Wednesday 30 August 2017

The 'Delargo Towers' Garden - August

Here I am again me dears. I have at last started to repair the damage inflicted on me blog by Photobucket. Firstly I need to fill in the missing months garden posts (May to January) then replace the missing four years' worth of photos on the previous posts

Wish me luck and here we go with
August 2017

Moving into late summer some things have finished and 
some have not got into their late summer swing

Dahlias and fuchsia still looking good

Winston Churchill

The Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) looked amazing

Monarda didyma, 'Red Colors'

Ipomoea multifida - red:

...with thunbergia alata

Canna indica,

Cobaea scandens

The fuchsias on the wall were having a bit of a rest ( they don't like the heat )

Ipomoea multifida again

The first ever berries on the Pyracantha planted last year

the lovely Aeschynanthus “Hot Flash” indoors on our kitchen window.

This is, however, the summer we were hit by the dreadful fuchsia gall mite
Which was disaster and led to us destroying our entire collection.

That's it for August me dears
Till next time
